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Journal of Food Technology & Nutrition Sciences

Development and Standardization of Naturally Fortified Litti – Chokha

Author(s): Pramod K. Raghav, Uma Kizhuveetil, Kirti Joshi* and Sweta Kumari.

In addition to being popular today in India, Litti Chokha, a traditional dish that comes from Bihar state, is now a dish of people globally. Litti appears to be baati with similar durability and shelter that makes food easy to store and carry on long journeys. The nutritional value of the different filled spices and herbs adds to the potential value of the food in nutraceuticals. In addition, chickpea is an excellent source of minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and iron), fatty acids unsaturated, and β-carotene. Due to these properties and compatibility with wheat flour and chickpeas, Litti is suitable as an amplification agent. In this research, Remove these words development and standardization of the preparation of chickpea flour fortified Litti was studied. Nutritionally enhanced litti were prepared using wheat flour and chickpea flour incorporated in various ratios (20%–60%). Litti prepared from 40% incorporation (C2) had a higher acceptance compared to others. The variant C2 contained protein 8.20g, fat 3.22g, carbohydrate 26.83g, energy 523.0 kcal, and fiber 7.06g.

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