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Journal of Food Technology & Nutrition Sciences

Implications of Climate Change on Agricultural Productivity: A Review

Author(s): Salisu Audu Baba* and Idris A Adamu

Global warning and thus climate change is a global issue and its consequences are being felt at varying degrees in different parts of the world. The developing countries are more vulnerable to its effects because of their poor economic status and political instability. In recent times, experiences of more flooding, erosion, drought, storms, rise in sea level and other extreme weather conditions resulting in poverty, degraded environment and low agricultural productivity. It’s devastating impact on various dimension of human endeavours and socio-economic income of nations and individual cannot be over emphasized. Climatologically, has an extremely variable rainfall distribution, which will be exacerbated by climate change. This will inevitably impact on agriculture and the availability of water to sustain human activities. These future climate change impacts are likely to aggravate the harmful effects of poor land use; practices, especially deforestation, soil degradation and water pollution. Communities that have been made vulnerable by economic hardship and disease will find it even harder to cope. Climate change is perhaps the most serious environmental threat to the fight against hunger, malnutrition, diseases and poverty in sub-Saharan Africa mainly through its impact on agricultural productivity.

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