Author(s): Omar Lazrek *, Mehdi Omar Krimech , Moncef Boufettal, Rida Allah Bassir, Moulay Omar Lamrani , Mohammed Kharmaz and Mohamed Salah Berrada
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) is a relatively unusual, locally aggressive cutaneous tumor of intermediate malignancy rarely metastatic. We report the case of a 45-yearold chronic alcoholic tobacco patient with a highly malignant dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans at the level of the right shoulder evolving in two months with deterioration of the general state and a single nodule pulmonary metastasis at the level of the right middle lobe. MRI show subcutaneously located tumor extremely aggressive without deep muscle or bone extension. The R0 carcinogenic surgical excision of the tumor as well as the right pulmonary lobe was made. The survival of our patient was at 18 months marked by a local recurrence with multiple pulmonary metastasis
Figure 1: 310x168mm (72 x 72 DPI)
Figure 2: 159x219mm (72 x 72 DPI)
Figure 3: 1066x1422mm (72 x 72 DPI)
Figure 4: 1066x1422mm (72 x 72 DPI)
Figure 5: 162x112mm (72 x 72 DPI)
Figure 6: 178x123mm (72 x 72 DPI)
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