ISSN: 2755-0206 | Open Access

Journal of Pathology Research Reviews & Reports

Odontogenesis Tooth Development

Author(s): Cristiane Shimazu


• Period when teeth are formed, within the bone: maxilla and mandible
• Deposition of dentin and enamel and formation of the crown of the future tooth


Beginning of Dentistry

• Primary teeth: gestation - 5th - 6th week of intrauterine life (VIU)
• Permanent teeth: the child's first year of life
• During VIU, ectomesenchyme is formed (embryonic tissue that gives origin to tooth structure: enamel, dentin, pulp and periodontal tissues),interacts with the oral epithelium to initiate odontogenesis



Stages of Dentistry

• The progressive and continuous modification of the tooth germ is characterized by 5 stages respectively:
• This sequence of images correspond to cross-sectional histological sections

1. Button,
2. Hood or Cap,
3. Bell or Bell,
4. Coronogenesis,
5. Rhizogenesis.


1 - Button Phase

• Invagination of the oral epithelium towards the ectomesenchyme
• Condensation of the ectomesenchyme


2 - Hood or Casquete Phase

• Proliferation of epithelial cells leaving the tooth germ with the shape of a hood
• Formation of enamel


3 - Bell or Bell Phase

• The enamel organ has a bell-like appearance and surrounds the dental papilla
• From that moment on, the dental papilla becomes the dental pulp


4 - Coronogenesis Phase

• Deposition of dentin and enamel and formation of the crown of the future tooth


5 - Rhizogenesis Phase

• Starts from the Epithelial Sheath of Hertwig and progresses in an apical direction
• This epithelialsheath that will command root formation and is responsible for guide the development of supporting tissues: cementum, ligament periodontal and alveolar bone



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