ISSN: 2755-9866 | Open Access

Journal of Health Statistics Reports

Call for Papers

Impact Factor: 0.5*

Citations Value: 84.5%

Acceptance Rate: 90%

Editor - in - Chief: Pengcheng Xie

Journal of Health Statistics Reports is an open access peer-reviewed journal from the publishers of Scientific Research and Community (SRC) which publishes articles in the form of written, video and power-point presentations from the arena of Health Statistics Reports. The journal focuses to build up accessing the complete content of articles freely from online for reader’s perusal.
Article acceptance will be in the form of research, review, case reports, analysis, magazines, editorials, opinion, communications, mini-review, short communications, picturized, book review, video type and power point presentations (PPTS).

Journal of Health Statistics Reports should be cover the topics related to Epidemiology, Incidence, Mild cognitive impairment, Prevalence, Risk factors, Dementia, NeuroStastistics, Cancer health Statistics, Bio Statistics, Clinical Reports, Environmental health, Occupational Health and Medicine, Epidemiologic Methods, Genetic Epidemiology, Global Health Statistics, Health Disparities and Social Determinants of Health, Infectious Disease statistics & Reports, Injury and Violence statistics & Reports, Birth and Death statistics, Maternal and Child Health/Women's Health statistics, Nutritional Health Reports, Pharmacoepidemiology, Physical Activity, Obesity and Diabetes Epidemiology and statistics, Psychiatric Health Reports, Public Health Practice, Global Health Report, Toxicokinetics, Drugs Reports, Addiction Health reports, Medcial Improvement, Clinical Statistics, Global Pandemic Diseases Reports, etc

Articles can be submitted through online from
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