Video Articles

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The SRC publishers taken an advanced step to publish the Video articles from all the scientific, Academic scholars,and Conference attendees of different conferences which held world wide from all the Medical Sciences, Clinical Research, Health Care, Engineering and Technology, Pharmacy, Life sciences, Environmental Sciences

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Journal of Dental Sciences Research & Report
Troop Elevation Pillow (TEP) Airway Management for Obese Patients

By Craig Troop M.D.

Journal of Surgery & Anesthesia Research
Cavitation peening using pulse laser and submerged water jet to improve fatigue strength of aluminum alloy

By Hitoshi Soyama

Journal of Material Sciences & Manufacturing Research
Contrast Spread Technique-Algorithm and Study

By Yakov Perper

Progress in Orthopedic Sciences-

By Elena van Dijk

Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Technology
Internal Breast Reduction Surgery

By Aristides Arellano-Huacuja

Management of the Hemodynamically Unstable Pelvic Fracture Patients by External Fixation in Emergency without Angiography Services Available

By Hatim Abid,M. Elidrissi, A. El ibrahimi, A. Elmrini

Journal of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation Studies & Reports

Previous coronary angiography – left coronary artery Coronary angiography of left coronary artery showing final result after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of the left main and circumflex arteries with 2 drug-eluting stents (Your can refer article SRC/JCRRR-180 with DOI:

Previous coronary angiography – saphenous vein graft Coronary angiography of saphenous vein graft bypass to the right coronary artery showing patent flow (TIMI grade flow 3) (Your can refer article SRC/ CRRR-180 with DOI:

Admission transthoracic echocardiogram – apical 4-chamber view severe systolic dysfunction with akinesia of the septal and anterior wall segments. (Your can refer article SRC/JCRRR-180 with DOI:

Admission transthoracic echocardiogram – apical 4-chamber view Severe systolic dysfunction (LV ejection fraction of 29%) with akinesia of the mid-inferior septum and apical segments. (Your can refer article SRC/JCRRR-180 with DOI: